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Enable K2 blackpearl checkbox validation
We had a few hundred K2 blackpearl views that we had to create using mostly checkboxes. These checkboxes works as a completed box. Which means some of them was required to contain a true value. Unfortunately K2 blackpearl Smart Forms validation does not work on...

Appcelerator Cloud Service: Failed to authenticate to Node.ACS
We are using Appcelerator Cloud Service (ACS) as a back-end for one of our mobile apps. During the Go Live, one of our tasks was to move all data in the Development Database on ACS to Production. Problem We had to do a lot of calls from our local Node Server to the...

SQL: Remove white space characters from all columns in SQL database
While working on a client project we noticed that all string columns has been set to varchar columns on the SQL database. This was a small issue as all columns now contains empty spaces when not used and we wanted to remove white space characters from all columns in...

Appcelerator Tip: Enable your Project in the list of Projects when performing a Clean
Appcelerator Titanium Studio or eclipse sometimes removes my projects from the Build->Clean options. When this happens, the build option is normally also missing. I have not figured out yet why this weird problem exist but here is the fix for when you stumble upon...

Creating a custom control text box with validation
Recently I created a post to show you how to create a custom control with two-way binding. I will now use this same project and add validation to this custom control text box. This web control will inherit from the TextBox web control, and will automatically add a...

Open VMware disk inside Virtual Box
Have you ever had a Virtual Hard disk file (VHD) from VMware and wanted to load it inside a Oracle Virtual Box environment. Well it is actually very easy to open VMware inside Virtual Box and you don't have to convert the .vhd to .vdi. When you add a vhd to Virtual...

K2 Blackpearl file upload to custom table
I have recently had a lot of K2 development on my hands. I came across an issue where I had to upload files to a custom table from a K2 Smart Form. I will show you step by step how accomplish this using K2 BlackPearl SmartForms and a custom database table without...

Two-way data binding on a custom user control
A few people asked me recently how you can add a custom control inside a GridView and then allow two-way data binding to this custom user control. In this very short post I will explain how to do two-way data binding using .Net Framework 4.5, SQL and C#. I have also...

Exporting Microsoft SharePoint 2010 list to SQL server database

Create SharePoint Document Libraries from PowerShell
Creating SharePoint Document Libraries is normally quick and easy. We came across this client who wanted near hundred libraries and each library had 3 of the same custom columns in. Problem: You need to create more than one Document Library in SharePoint and all of...
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